Monday, August 3, 2009


There is some new stuff on my Etsy store!

First, I need to thank my cousin's wife Patty, who is just sooo talented and creative by-the-way, because she created my new banner and logo for my Etsy store. The name of my store is "Remember Me Design's" and she created my banner to have to forget-me-not flowers in it! My favorite thing is the fact that she added something that is special to her. The background is from a dress that she wore as a baby. How cool is that?

Secondly, I have added some new cards to my store. I am going to "try" to keep adding new things, but things are so busy right now that I don't have time to sit at my scrapbooking table to be able to create. But like I said...I am going to try.

Stay tuned for some pictures of Aruba, and some more cards!

1 comment:

Patty S said...

glad to help :-)
and good to see you're filling up your store!